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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

Two matters which might (or might not) affect you: #1. The FBI is still pressing local police and Interpol to visit persons who have been in contact with the GLADD Group, in Southern California, over helium hood kits. New York police, for instance, have made some ‘wellness checks’ six weeks ago, and again in recent […]

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Terminally ill patients should receive medical help to commit suicide if they want to die, a [UK] government adviser has said. Martin Green, a social care expert for the Department of Health, said those who were physically unable to end their own lives were being deprived of “choice” and “autonomy” in Britain where assisted suicide […]

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Andrew Barkley writes to ERGO: I’m an author and someone living with a critical illness. I’ve recently written a poem in support of ‘dignity in dying’. Ode to Life – TIME Life is retiring me, how am I to cope? Futile now it seems, my last lifeline of hope What is to become of me, […]

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PHOENIX, Ariz. — The last of the four criminal cases in Phoenix has been resolved without a trial. The jury was unable to reach a verdict during the trial last April of Final Exit Network volunteer exit guide Frankin R. Langsner, of Scottsdale, a suburb of Phoenix. A retrial had been scheduled to take place […]

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The Swiss government has dropped a plan to impose stricter rules for assisted suicide. Switzerland has long permitted “passive assisted suicide,” where someone can give another person the means to kill themselves provided the helper doesn’t personally benefit from the death. The government said Wednesday that existing laws provide enough safeguards to prevent abuse without […]

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LETTERS IN AN EDITOR’S MAILBAG Published in the Eugene Register-Guard, Oregon, Jun 28, 2011 Right-to-die is gaining ground The Oregon Legislature has taken a backhoe to crush a hen’s egg in the case of the helium hood kits for sale. Dozens of Oregonians have already stocked up with their kits. What the legislators, the FBI […]

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RE POLICE VISITS TO PERSONS WHO WERE CUSTOMERS OF GLADD The purpose of the police or sheriff making ‘wellness visits’ is to find out if a person has taken their life, or intending to. Such visits are lawful under US health laws; they are not criminal inquiries because suicide is not a crime. A person […]

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The FBI is asking police throughout America to check up on people who have recently ordered helium hood kits from GLADD in southern California, run by Sharlotte Hydorn. So far we know of six cases. These are what the cops call ‘wellness checks’ — actually to see if the person has [or about to] kill […]

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ALERT – a stranger at your door? If you purchased or ordered a helium hood kit from the GLADD Group in southern California, it is possible that police will call to check up on you shortly. Local police, under FBI direction, have already visited two women (in Hillsboro, Oregon, and in Los Angeles) and questioned […]

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From Derek Humphry (journalist & author) Important alert re GLADD For those who might have missed it, GLADD Group no longer can supply a helium hood kit. An FBI raid on 25 May 2011 shut the operation in Southern California down, seizing all documentation, orders, checks, materials, hard-drive and the sewing machine. FBI agents also […]

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