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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

After researching the development and use of the helium self-deliverance method for five years as NuTech’s unofficial historian, I can assure readers of this blog of two things with certainty: 1. The “party balloon kit” helium tanks contain 100.00% helium, with no other gases. 2. Misstatements to the contrary have no basis whatsoever in fact, […]

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Re: United States v. Sharlotte Hydorn Victims Rights and Restitution Act If you are one of those persons who recently received a ‘victim letter’ from the US Department of Justice in connection with Ms Sharlotte Hydorn, of California, who used to supply helium hood kits upon request, I suggest that you respond to it this […]

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End-of-year appeal by ERGO I know everybody is currently asking you for money, and these are difficult times, but if you care about the right to choose to die please think of ERGO (Euthanasia Research & Guidance Org) in your gift-giving this month. We are a tiny organization but still have weighty outgoings concerning technical […]

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A 91-year-old Californian woman has pleaded guilty to failing to file federal tax returns for her company that made and sold helium hood kits. They were intended for the terminally ill to bring their lives to a speedy end if they wished. Sharlotte Hydorn admitted paying no tax on $66,717 (£42,775) of income in 2010. […]

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************************************************** To view Derek Humphry’s opinion on Alzheimers Disease and the possibility of self-deliverance from it, visit this site on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFinalExit#p/a/u/0/_jHcVEhZc_Y Four minutes long – “The Tragic Dilemma of Alzheimer’s” ****************************************************

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RIGHT-TO-DIE PROGRESS IN THE 20TH AND 21ST CENTURY Various forms of medically assisted dying and/or assisted suicide for the terminally or hopelessly ill competent adult have been approved by 2011 in the following eleven states and nations. Each has its own rules and guidelines. All but Switzerland and Colombia forbid foreigners coming for this type […]

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Two new internet publications from Derek Humphry: “How to Make Your Own Helium Hood Kit.” Pamphlet. Illustrated. $5. Download pdf “Beyond Final Exit: Lessons Learned” Mini ebook. $5 Download pdf Save them to your computer, also print your own copy. Go to www.finalexit.org

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KEYNOTE SPEAKER Derek Humphry, founder of the original Hemlock Society USA in l980, was the keynote speaker at the 2011 annual meeting of Compassion and Choices of Washington state on Saturday, October 22. A journalist and author, Humphry is well known as the author of the bestselling books ‘Jean’s Way’ and ‘Final Exit’. There were […]

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PLEASE NOTE: This pamphlet is outdated. 08/2020 Information now in the Ebook “Final Exit 2020” at https://www.finalexit.org/ergo-store —————— How To Make Your Own Helium Hood Kit Information for competent adults who are terminally or hopelessly ill and wish to die 2011 Addendum to Chapter 23 of Final Exit book & Final Exit on DVD By […]

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A new position paper just published by the Dutch Physicians Association (KNMG) says unbearable and lasting suffering should not be the only criteria physicians consider when a patient requests euthanasia. The KNMG says the new guidelines will clarify the responsibilities, possibilities and limitations that physicians have within the regulations of the 2002 euthanasia law (Termination […]

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