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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

MY LAST WISHES The Living Will/Advance Directive named “My last wishes: In the event of irreversible cognitive decline” is available for $5 download pdf at this ERGO Bookstore site: http://www.finalexit.org/ergo-store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=187&zenid=ffa9b1450c3a2e65b7f8cacef68d9696 or www.finalexit.org/ergo-store See the icon named “Control and Choice” low down the books page.

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The Mirror in London printed this article by Dr Irwin on 19 August 2013: Euthanasia: The right to die should be a matter of personal choice Retired GP Michael Irwin is patron of the British Humanist Association and coordinator of the Society for Old Age Rational Suicide (SOARS) ==== We are able to choose all […]

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A good many people who are interested in choices in dying are also seeking information about organ donation. Here is some useful information on the subject compiled by a colleague, John Abraham, in Arizona. He writes: I have long been a proponent of establishing body farms (not like the TN operation where bodies are left […]

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BUYERS BEWARE It is a sad fact that some people urgently needing lethal medications to relieve their terminal suffering are being cheated by overseas dealers using the internet. I am currently getting more reports of fraud than successes. In particular, Thailand is infamous for its phony drug trade; even ordinary, domestic medications are often diluted. […]

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Derek Humphry notes August 2015: This post is now out-of-date. Worthington Industries, maker of the Party Balloon Kits, is now diluting its helium tanks by 20 percent, making them useless for self-deliverance from a terminal illness. Seek pure helium elsewhere. Re: The internet rumors about diluted helium UPDATE Suggest you read my new (Aug.2015) pamphlet […]

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Discussion on TV of the helium hood method Another sign of the public acceptance of assisted suicide for the terminally ill was a unusual scene on Monday, 20 May 2013, in the successful series program “The Big C” shown on the Showtime television channel in America and internationally. This was the closure of the fourth […]

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2014 World Federation 20th Biennial Conference Final Exit Network, host for the World Federation Right to Die (WFRTD) Societies Meeting, has announced the venue for the 2014 World Federation 20th Biennial Conference. The date of the conference is September 17 to 21, 2014, Wednesday through Sunday, and it will be held at the Embassy Suites […]

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The case against assisted-suicide advocate thrown out HASTINGS, Minn. — A Minnesota judge has dismissed charges against the former head of a national right-to-die group accused in the death of an Apple Valley woman. Judge Karen Asphaug ruled Minnesota’s law against advising suicide is unconstitutionally overbroad. She dismissed charges against Thomas Goodwin, former president of […]

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Obituary: Earl Wettstein, outstanding campaigner The right-to-die movement has lost one of its most dynamic characters with the death of Earl Wettstein, of Arizona, from a heart attack at the age of 81. After watching his Aunt Gladys beg for help in her dying process but getting none, Earl volunteered his talents and lobbied legislatively […]

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The Pioneer Press in Minnesota reported on 18 December 2012: Right-to-die group argues free speech in Apple Valley assisted suicide case A national right-to-die-group argued on Dec. 18 that its role in the suicide of an Apple Valley woman, which included instructions on the best way to die by asphyxiation, was protected as free speech. […]

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