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Books by Derek Humphry on euthanasia and assisted suicide have appeared around the world over the last 30 years:-

‘Final Exit’ has been published throughout the English-speaking world, also in Braille, and translated into these languages: 1. Spanish. 2. French. 3. German. 4. Italian. 5. Dutch. 6. Danish. 7. Portuguese. 8. Japanese. 9. Mandarin Chinese. 10. Korean. 11. Polish.

‘Jean’s Way’ has been published in these translations: 1. Japanese. 2. Norwegian. 3. German. 4. French. 5. Turkish. 6. Spanish. 7. Polish. Also as the theatrical drama ‘Is This The Day?’

‘The Right to Die: Understanding Euthanasia’ has been published in these translations: 1. German. 2. Spanish.

The Good Euthanasia Guide – Italian.

Derek Humphry founded the Hemlock Society USA in l980 (now defunct) and is currently president of the Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization (ERGO) based in Oregon, USA.

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