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The Reverend George David Exoo, of Beckley, West Virginia, USA, is the first person ever arrested, jailed, and awaiting an extradition hearing for providing compassionate care and prayer while an Irish woman committed suicide in Dublin in 2002. His extradition court hearing is on August 17.

The Rev. George David Exoo
Prisoner # 5:07-MC-00059
Southern Regional Jail
1200 Airport Rd.
Beaver, WV 25813 USA

Note: if writing to the Reverend Exoo at the above address, enclose nothing but the letter itself in an envelope. Send no stamps, pictures, clippings, pamphlets, books, or other materials or the envelope will be returned. He cannot be contacted by email. Emailed letters sent to dickcote@earthlink.net
will be printed out on paper and promptly forwarded to him via postal mail.

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