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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

Liberty and Death A manifesto concerning an individual’s right to choose to die In a spirit of compassion for all, this manifesto proclaims that every competent adult has the incontestable right to humankind’s ultimate civil and personal liberty –- the right to die in a manner and at a time of their own choosing. Whereas […]

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Ted Goodwin, one of the four persons charged by Georgia police with assisting a suicide, told the Associated Press on 03.17.09: “We believe that it is the right of every mentally competent adult to determine whether he or she is suffering,” Goodwin said. “We do not believe this should be left to the physicians, church […]

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For almost 30 years people in our movement have found themselves in trouble with legal authorities. Some have had prolonged court cases; a few have spent time in prison, most have been “busted” for their compassionate efforts to end suffering. Now, again, four of our volunteers have been arrested for providing support for a peaceful […]

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A Scottish woman starved and dehydrated herself to death to get around the law which bans euthanasia. The 75-year old with motor neurone disease received advice from a campaign group which supports terminally ill patients who want to end their lives. It has now reignited the debate on assisted suicide. Dr Libby Wilson, medical adviser […]

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“I am extremely concerned by the arrest of these people who are dedicated to supporting people’s right to a dignified death,” said Sonja Eggerickx, president of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU). “I met with one of the arrested men, Ted Goodwin, at the IHEU World Humanist Congress in Washington, DC, last summer. He […]

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Defense fund for the GEORGia FOUR accused of assisting a suicide can be seen at www.finalexitlibertyfund.org

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THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reported 27 Feb 09: ATLANTA (AP) — Members of an assisted suicide ring say they’ve done nothing wrong and seem eager for a court battle over criminal charges they helped a Georgia man kill himself, while their supporters are using the case as a rallying cry for more debate about end-of-life issues. […]

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For me, one of the most remarkable sentences in Barack Obama’s splendid inauguration speech on 20 Jan 09 was this: “For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus – and non-believers.” It is the first time I’ve ever noticed […]

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Information for terminally ill or hopelessly physically ill, competent adults ‘Last Rights Publications’ in Canada went out of business, just after Final Exit 3rd edition was published. So ignore the information In Final Exit paperback page 140 about where to purchase the helium hood kit. (This out-of-date info is not in the April 2010 edition […]

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Quote: ‘Knowing how to die well not only makes life more enjoyable but ensures that it is more endurable towards the inevitable end.’ —-Derek Humphry. Founder Hemlock Society USA, author ‘Final Exit’

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