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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

Derek Humphry, author of the bestselling book ‘Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying‘ has issued a denial of a story by an Oklahoma tv and radio station that his book describes how to kill oneself by the so-called ‘detergent suicide’ method. Newson6 Mobile (Newson6.com) claimed in a story — […]

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I just read Richard Cote’s “In Search of Gentle Death” and applaud his extensive knowledge in this thorough account of the Hemlock movement. It was especially nostalgic for me, as a former member of the national board from 1993-99. Although my chapter, “Connecticut Hemlock Society”, is no longer active, there is still an interest in […]

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WORTH A LOOK Two new videos on YouTube are concerned with the background to the US movement for the right to choose to die when at life’s end. They are short and to the point. Here are the links: and

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I am happy to announce the publication of my book, “In Search of Gentle Death: The Fight for Your Right to Die With Dignity.” The 479-page, deluxe hardcover edition, which took five years to research and write, contains 92 photographs and illustrations, a full bibliography, and a comprehensive index. An ebook version will also be […]

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PRESS RELEASE from the Final Exit Network May 14, 2012 MINNESOTA PROSECUTOR OBTAINS GRAND JURY INDICTMENT OF FINAL EXIT NETWORK AND FOUR OF ITS VOLUNTEERS HASTINGS, Minnesota — James Backstrom, the Dakota County prosecutor, called a press conference to deny that he has initiated a war on the right-to-die movement by securing a 17-count indictment […]

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PRESS RELEASE May 7, 2012 INDICTMENT OF FINAL EXIT NETWORK VOLUNTEERS IS EXPECTED THIS WEEK IN HASTINGS, MINNESOTA HASTINGS, Minnesota — James C. Backstrom, the prosecutor in this suburb of Minneapolis-St. Paul, is launching an attack on the right-to-die movement. Backstrom has publicly revealed plans to secure grand jury indictments this Friday (May 11, 2012) […]

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Due to the many interesting questions posed by customers, there is now an extended, revised version of the pamphlet “How to Make Your Own Helium Hood Kit” dealing with these inquiries. (The technique remains the same.) It can be digitally downloaded (with illustrations) for $7 at the ERGO Bookstore. —- Derek Humphry, author, “Final Exit: […]

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A valuable web site from the Death With Dignity National Center outlines the current stages of various ‘right-to-die’ or opposing bills now in front of American legislatures. Worth visiting at http://www.deathwithdignity.org/advocates/national/

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“How to die in Oregon” a video by Peter Richardson The DVD of this prize-winning documentary is now available to order OUTSIDE the US and Canada. Here’s the link to order: http://www.filmbaby.com/films/5819 ==== To order WITHIN the USA and Canada, go to the DVD distributor’s webpage: http://bit.ly/sIn4JK ===== NOTE: This is not an ERGO project, […]

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Press release GEORGIA HIGH COURT EXONERATES FINAL EXIT NETWORK’S VOLUNTEERS ATLANTA, Georgia, Feb. 6, 2012 — The Supreme Court of Georgia today struck down the state’s assisted-suicide law, abruptly terminating the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s prosecution of four Final Exit Network right-to-die activists. The state high court agreed with the 3,000-member, national not-for-profit organization’s argument […]

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