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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

Go to this website to read the latest newsletter of the Final Exit Network, March 2015 edition: https://files.ctctcdn.com/96fa7d3c301/1545c525-c194-4cb5-bdd0-8a885311c169.pdf

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Interested in more news on the right-to-die issue? ERGO circulates on a regular basis an electronic newslist with news from around the world. It is moderated by Derek Humphry. To subscribe (free) Click here

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For persons interested in the helium hood method of self-deliverance from a terminal or hopeless illness, this site (it’s graphic) on TUMBLR may be educational: http://gematogentomsk.tumblr.com/

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For when a doctor prescribes a lethal overdose which the dying patient chooses to drink:
Physician-assisted suicide; Physician-assisted death; Physician-assisted dying; Physician-hastened death; Death With Dignity; Aid in Dying; Medically-assisted dying; Medicide (Kevorkian book); Physician-managed death; Mercy killing; Terminal sedation.

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Last month Derek Humphry was given the World Federation of Right To Die Societies “Lifetime Achievement Award” for ‘contributing so much, so long and so courageously to our right to a peaceful death.’ The award was presented by world president Faye Girsh at the 20th international conference in Chicago on 9/19/2014. It is the first […]

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Gerald A. Larue dies at 98; former minister debunked biblical stories By Elaine Woo of the Los Angeles Times 09.22.14 Gerald A. Larue — an ordained minister who became an agnostic, archeologist, religious scholar and debunker of claims such as Lazarus rising from the dead and the discovery of Noah’s ark — has died. He […]

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World Leaders in Right to Die with Dignity Movement to Meet in Chicago Members of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies, comprising 52 organizations in 27 countries, will meet in Chicago September 17-21. Hosting is Final Exit Network, an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization serving members in the United States who are suffering from intolerable […]

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10th Anniversary of Founding The Final Exit Network will be ten years old this Thursday, having been founded in Chicago on August 14, 2004, by ten persons, eight of whom are still with us. It came into being as a result of the closure of the Hemlock Society USA (1980-2003) For further details, such as […]

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Following raids by law enforcement in US and Canada on manufacturers, nobody now supplies the ready-made helium hood kit for self-deliverance from a terminal illness. (GLADD is gone.) But there is now a substitute in my pamphlet “How to make your own helium hood kit” which can be downloaded as an illustrated pdf at this […]

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Derek Humphry’s three books on euthanasia, mostly centered on self-directed death also known as self-deliverance from a terminal or hopeless illness, are now available on Kindle. (1) Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying. (2) Jean’s Way: A Love story. (3) Good Life, Good Death: Memoir of a journalist and […]

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