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Derek Humphry’s three books on euthanasia, mostly centered on self-directed death also known as self-deliverance from a terminal or hopeless illness, are now available on Kindle.

(1) Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying.
(2) Jean’s Way: A Love story.
(3) Good Life, Good Death: Memoir of a journalist and right-to-die activist.

They are also available from ERGO Bookstore at www.finalexit.org/ergo-store in either paperback or ebook pdf download or from Amazon.com

There is also “Final Exit on DVD” which is the illustrated account of the famous book.

From ERGO Bookstore only, there is ‘How to Make Your Own Helium Hood Kit.” It can be downloaded at the ERGO internet bookstore.

For an Advance Directive (Living Will) dealing with the possibility of Alzheimer’s Disease, or dementia, in the future, download it from the ERGO Bookstore under the icon “Control and Choice”

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