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This is the time of year – once only – when ERGO (Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization) asks its supporters if they can make a tax-deductible donation towards expenses.

ERGO is an all-volunteer nonprofit group, operating since 1993 to provide quality information about issues of the right-to-choose-to-die. ERGO has no rented offices, but all utilities have to be paid for the modest donated space.

ERGO’s biggest expense is maintaining a free news list (www.lists.opn.org/mailman/listinfo/right-to-die_lists.opn.org), two web sites (www.finalexit.org & www.assistedsuicide.org), an internet bookstore (www.finalexit.org/ergo-store) and a blog (www.assisted-dying.org). Updates, fees and tech support are a considerable ongoing expense.

ERGO has sponsored NuTech (New Technology for Self-Deliverance) since 2000. This group invented and developed the helium hood technique and continues research for other methods of choices in ending life.

Following next year’s world right-to-die conference in Chicago, NuTech will sponsor an all-day additional session exploring new ideas for self-deliverance and refining old ones. ERGO has already begun financial commitments for this.

Your contribution towards NuTech’s success would be most valuable.

Contributions can be submitted to ERGO via:

Or in the mail to:
24829 Norris Lane
Junction City, OR

ERGO is 501(c)(3) of the IRS tax code with a tax ID number of 93-1118314.

Grateful for your contribution and support. Thank you.

Derek Humphry
president, ERGO

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