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Corinthian Books announces that the eBook version of In Search of Gentle Death: the Fight for Your Right to Die With Dignity by Richard N. Cote’ is now available not only from Amazon.com in the U.S., but also from Amazon sites all around the world, including Amazon Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
The price is US $9.95 (or the equivalent in local currency). It includes the full 479-page book (in English) in digital format, with 92 photographs and links to fourteen custom-made YouTube video interviews made with the founders, leaders and leading activists of the international death-with-dignity movement.
One may read the eBook version even if they don’t have an Amazon Kindle e-reader device. Just download one of the free Kindle applications (“apps”) to start reading this Kindle book on all your devices. The free app download location is http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_11?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=kindle+apps&sprefix=kindle+apps%2Cstripbooks%2C239 (or search for “Kindle apps”).
Apps are available for every major type of smartphone, tablet, and computer. Only Barnes & Noble Nooks are not currently supported, but a Nook version of the book will be ready soon. With a free Kindle Reading app you can buy a Kindle book once, and read it on any device with a Kindle app installed.

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