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From Derek Humphry (journalist & author)
Important alert re GLADD

For those who might have missed it, GLADD Group no longer can supply a
helium hood kit. An FBI raid on 25 May 2011 shut the operation in
Southern California down, seizing all documentation, orders, checks,
materials, hard-drive and the sewing machine.
FBI agents also went to the local Post Office and seized 15 boxed kits
which were awaiting transit.
FBI now knows from the confiscated computer hard-drive the names and
addresses of all persons who ordered the kit. It is possible that they
may try to follow up as they endeavour to gather evidence for possible
criminal prosecutions against SHARLOTTE HYDORN, the
91-year-old woman who ran GLADD as a service to humanity from her home.
Should the FBI call on you fishing for evidence against her, say nothing
to them except in the presence of your lawyer. That is your right. Be
People who placed orders with GLADD in the last six weeks will have to
wait a long time for return of their money……if ever. (There is no financial, business or other connection between ERGO and GLADD — just a common goal to help people.)
Meantime, people who want bags will have to work themselves with the DIY
section of my FINAL EXIT book, pages 132-138. It is not hard to make
the kit. And YouTube has some excellent guidance videos.
>——-Derek Humphry (writer) president, ERGO

www.finalexit.org ergo@finalexit.org

4 Responses to “ALERT — GLADD no longer in action after FBI raid”

  1. eternalbeing says:

    I am afraid I am one of those people that was waiting for my kit. I am still in shock about this.

    The thought of having to do my own now is just too much to deal with.

    If anyone has an extra kit please send me private message.

    Blessings on your journey.

  2. overitalready says:

    I cannot believe this happened, just what I need the FBI at my door! I would guess my kit was intercepted at the post office, I have procured the things I believe I would need to do this on my own but indeed it seems overwhelming. I just do not understand why this is viewed as such a criminal act with all the other things that need to be focused on in the world today.


  3. jsiss says:

    There appears to be no legal justification for the FBI raid, search and seizure of GLADD/Sharlotte’s property and correspondence. GLADD makes no unfounded or misleading claims about the product it sells, so unless someone has complained to authorities that GLADD has not been delivering the goods as promised (highly unlikely), the fraud allegations seem like nothing more than a flimsy pretense for federal authorities to intervene where the law does not grant them the power to do so. GLADD was breaking no federal or state laws in selling helium hood kits. While it is illegal in most states to physically assist in a suicide, there are no laws (yet) that make it a crime to provide the means (other than guns or drugs, which are covered under separate laws) for a person to commit suicide.

    The whole thing has the unseemly look of a fishing expedition.

  4. Paul Dee says:

    Sorry if I’m not following protocol, I’m new to this kind of on-line blogy thing! I read earlier on the site that there are some informative videos on YouTube that will help me construct my hood. Would anyone be so kind as to post a link? Thanks, Paul. UK.
    Those videos were not much good, and anyway were taken down from YouTube. It is possible to buy for $20 the video ‘Final Exit on DVD” from Amazon (US&UK) or direct from Derek Humphry (US&UK) at my ERGO bookstore at http://www.finalexit.org/ergo-store. Purchasing the DVD from me will also include a new printed pamphlet “How to make your own helium hood guide” at no extra charge. (Same goes for hard copies of the book “Final Exit” latest 2010 edition.)

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