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QUESTION: Following up on the recent post about using panettone bags, I remembered
that some time ago there was discussion about which kind of helium tank
to buy; one was not advised due to a problem in the delivery, whereas
the other was all right.

Would someone kindly remind me how to identify the satisfactory one (I
think the color of the tanks were different…?)
C.H., New York

ANSWER: The tanks NOT advised to use were — and are — colored purple and made
in China. Not big enough and unreliable contents. I will not name the
satisfactory tanks because the manufacturers don’t like that. They are
quite tolerant provided we don’t use their names.

If a person is looking for tanks, it is best to call ahead to the stores
and ask if they have ‘party balloon kits’ in stock. They do not carry
big stocks of this bulky item, and at this time of year they can
be out of inventory for a few days. Two kits will go in one supermarket basket.

Full explanation and illustrations about how to use the helium hood method for
self-deliverance from a terminal or hopeless illness are contained in ‘Final Exit’
paperback, 3rd edition, but not in earlier editions.

—–Derek Humphry, Oregon

ERGO Bookstore: www.finalexit.org/ergo-store

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