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Final Exit, Digital Edition 2007 (eBook PDF)
The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying

by Derek Humphry, founder of the Hemlock Society

Revised 3rd edition in digital eBook PDF format
Updated July 2007
eBook PDF • 1MB • 214 pages
ISBN 0-3853365-3-5

As of today you can download ‘Final Exit, Digital Edition’ — an updated 2007 version of ‘Final Exit, 3rd edition’ paperback — directly to your computer in eBook PDF format. Open, read and print via Adobe Acrobat Reader. Save to your desktop and laptop and/or output to your printer.

Thus far ERGO has been offering only the very popular Addendum in download (PDF) digital version. Now, after considerable editing and technical work, the entire book is available for downloading.

To view sample pages from the updated ‘Final Exit, Digital Edition 2007’, including eBook table of contents, visit http:://www.finalexit.org/final-exit-digital-edition-sample.pdf

Purchase and download full eBook PDF from

This 2007 digital edition does not (unfortunately!) contain brilliant new methods of self-deliverance or assisted suicide for the terminally ill. But it does contain updated data, improved drug dosages in the light of experience, refinements to the helium hood technique, and more accurate information on the new organizations.

All the information in the popular ‘Addendum to Final Exit’ is contained in the new digital version.

The Appendix on the ‘Living Will’ and ‘Durable Power of Attorney’ has been re-formatted from the paperback book version to be clearly understood and presented page-by-page to fit your printer.

The 3rd edition of the Final Exit paperback book, with its Addendum, remains available from ERGO or bookstores.

While the ‘Final Exit, Digital Edition 2007’ eBook PDF is available only in English at present, ‘Final Exit’ has been translated into these eleven languages for sale in commercial bookstores worldwide: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Polish. Also in Braille.

Note: Adobe/Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader program is required to view and print the ‘Final Exit’ eBook. Adobe Reader is free software from www.adobe.com. With Adobe Reader, you can easily navigate eBook bookmarks pointing to specific chapters and appendixes, and search on keywords for particular subjects.

Visit ERGO Bookstore for this and other books and videos by Derek Humphry.

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