On March 29, the upper chamber (Senate) of the Congress of Colombia held a “public hearing” on
the proposed law that would fully legalize euthanasia in Colombia, following the Constitutional Court sentence of 1997. Senator Luis Fernando Velasco, chairman of the reporting committee on the law project, presided.
Representatives of the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, the Islamic faith, and other religious confessions, as well as some lay activist groups and the Colombian Foundation for the Right to Die in Dignity DMD, were invited speakers.
The religious leaders presented their well known position totally opposed to euthanasia, arguing that God only is the “owner” of human life and no human being has the “right” to act against, in any way.
DMD president, Juan Mendoza-Vega M:D: and the vicepresident, R.N. Clemencia Uribe, argued in favor of the euthanasia law on the grounds of human rights, the right to autonomy that must be respected even if the person is at the last hours of life, and the fact that religious convictions, totally respectable, must not be imposed on persons who are not “believers”.
DMD also expressed satisfaction by the Catholic Church manifestation in favor of ending or not beginning medical treatment that is no longer “useful” to a person, even if shortening of life ensues.
The proposal will follow the proceedings in the two chambers of Congress.
——–Fundacion DMD