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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

This email reached ERGO today: Thank you very much for your message and resources. My dad was tremendously suffering (ALS, Leukemia, Diabetes, Arthritis, and other health issues) and due to no physician-assisted suicide in Minnesota, he shared that he needed to take things into his own hands before he got so weak and incapacitated that […]

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Final Exit paperback remains high on the Amazon book sales chart. But only from ERGO Bookstore can you get the book PLUS the new, free 2018 Addendum. $23 for the 3rd edition. www.finalexit.org/ergo-store If you want Final Exit ebook download for $17 that too contains the 2016 Addendum. If you only want the print Addendum, […]

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25 yrs ago this month (Aug) ‘Final Exit’ guidebook topped nonfiction bestsellers lists in both NY Times and Publishers Wkly. And still selling in updated 3rd edition.

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https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/euthanasia-pro-and-con/id1132910035?mt=2 Podcast by ” Euthanasia: Pro and Con ” on iTunes 1 Episode 4. Derek Humphry: author of Final Exit, the handbook Derek Humphry an American journalist, author 7/21/2016 Free View In iTunes 2 Ep.3. Margaret Somerville: Professor, McGill University Margaret Somerville is a Samuel Gale Professor 7/9/2016 Free View In iTunes 3 Episode 2. […]

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There is a worthwhile PODCAST to listen to the controversy surrounding the right to choose to die when at life’s end (self-deliverance, assisted suicide, assisted dying — whichever name suits you) at https://soundcloud.com/496806650

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The Atlantic magazine has published in its current issue a fine article about Final Exit Network’s Exit Guide program. Here it is: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2016/07/the-volunteers-who-help-people-end-their-own-lives/489602/?utm_source=atltw

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The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania found the following in a survey: Summary: Despite increasing legalization of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS) worldwide, the practice remains relatively rare and, when carried out, is primarily motivated by psychological factors such as loss of autonomy or enjoyment of life, rather than physical pain. […]

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Australian Border Force has seized and destroyed copies of a book that provides information on euthanasia and assisted suicide to the elderly and the seriously ill. The Peaceful Pill Handbook, written by euthanasia advocate and former doctor, Philip Nitschke, is published in Holland but copies have been seized on arrival in Australia. People who have […]

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A few interesting sites relevant to right-to-die to view this weekend: At this website you can now read summaries of all the papers delivered at the conference earlier in May in Amsterdam of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies: http://www.worldrtd.net/conference/amsterdam … Final Exit Network’s most recent video is now available on YouTube. In […]

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“Final Exit” has been updated for 2016. The ebook download version is fully updated at the ERGO Bookstore www.finalexit.org/ergo-store The paperback when ordered from ERGO Bookstore now has a printed Addendum 2016 included with all copies. (The above updates are not available with Amazon.com purchases.) If you have ‘Final Exit’ already and want the updates, […]

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