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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

FINAL EXIT 2020 (Digital eBook Edition) Self-deliverance and assisted dying for the terminally and hopelessly ill By Derek Humphry This new version of the famous guide Final Exit has been called a suicide handbook, yet careful readers will find that it is powerfully addressed to terminally and hopelessly ill adults who have fought for life […]

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A book just published you might consider ordering from Amazon books. The title seems self explanatory! O, LET ME NOT GET ALZHEIMER’S, SWEET HEAVEN! Why many people prefer death or active deliverance to living with dementia (paperback) By Colin Brewer MD [I’ve seen an advance copy; it is very informative and also has an Advance […]

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Two new books of interest, both by psychiatrists who believe in the philosophy of assisted dying when desired and appropriate: “A Dignified Ending: Taking Control Over How We Die” by Lewis Mitchel Cohen, MD. Hardback. (Rowman & Littlefield, NY 2019) +++++ “O, Let Me Not Get ALZHEIMER’S Sweet Heaven! Why Many People Prefer Death or […]

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After the publication of ‘Final Exit‘ in l991, it was often used by writers to illustrate their works, particularly TV. Wikipedia’s entry on the book lists 11 such instances Book still selling consistently in 2019. It has never won any prizes — but I suppose you wouldn’t expect that a how-to book on dying well […]

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The original publication of Final Exit in 1991 stunned the nation by offering people with terminal illness a choice on how–and when–to end their suffering. It helped thousands by giving clear instructions to doctors, nurses, and families on how to handle a patient’s request for euthanasia. In the wake of court cases and legislative mandates, […]

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Good Life, Good Death — YouTube video Derek Humphry • 4.6K views The writer Derek Humphry talks about his memoir, ‘Good Life Good Death’. 4 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFinalExit

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Amazon Books today ordered 9 copies of ‘Jean’s Way’ – a memoir I first published in l978 !! I’ve never changed a word of it through all the editions. The book has come to memorialize Jean’s courage in the face of death at age 42. ‘Jean’s Way: A Love Story’ is also available on Kindle.

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Literature from Derek Humphry: Final Exit, Digital Edition eBook or paperack in the mail. Updated 25th Anniversary Edition and ‘How To Make Your Own Inert Gas Hood Kit’ 06/2019 Go to https://www.finalexit.org

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To obtain the newly-updated edocument (pdf download) “How to make your own inert gas hood kit” go to https://www.finalexit.org/ergo-store The separate advantages of both helium and nitrogen are discussed. There is nowhere in the world that such a kit can be found. So it’s strictly D I Y. This is an ERGO publication, written by […]

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For many years people have been thinking up new ways that a legal, peaceful, swift dying can be achieved. None have tried harder than Dr.Philip Nitschke, an Australian now living in the Netherlands. Nitschke has created a 3D-printed suicide machine that allows users to administer their own death in a matter of minutes. Called Sarco, […]

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