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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

ERGO would like to draw your attention to a music track due to be released by the hard rock band Fear Factory, titled ‘Final Exit’. Quietly voiced at the very beginning of the song are the words “Final Exit – The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying”, the exact title of my […]

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For an update on the legal position of the 8 volunteers of the Final Exit Network facing prosecutions in Georgia and Arizona read the December 09 issue, just out, of the Final Exit Network‘s newsletter on the web at this link Click to access Final_Exit_Newsletter_Vol_6_No_1-3%20for%20Web.pdf

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In 2008 the Dutch controlling committees received 2331 declarations of which 2146 were cases of euthanasia, 152 cases of assisted suicide and 33 cases of a combination of the two.

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Euthanasia still a taboo for mental patients – even in the Netherlands “People suffering from an incurable mental disease have the same legal right to euthanasia as physically terminally ill patients in the Netherlands, but they almost never get it.” Practitioners reviewed the situation of mental patients and euthanasia at a symposium organized by the […]

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There is a long and extremely interesting article in the Guardian in London. Worth reading. To read it, go to (you may need to copy/paste this URL) http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2009/nov/18/assisted-suicide-dignitas-house ———————————- Inside the Dignitas house More than 1,000 people have traveled to Switzerland to end their lives. But what is it really like inside the world’s first […]

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Time was when right-to-die groups were looked to for help exclusively by terminally ill, and sometimes hopelessly ill, persons. But nowadays with our greater public visibility, credibility and legislative progress, many mentally ill persons are approaching us expecting positive help.

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Switzerland has announced plans to crack down on so-called ‘suicide tourism’ by signalling that it might close the Dignitas clinic that has helped hundreds of terminally ill people to end their lives. The plans, in the form of two draft Bills that will be offered for public debate, are likely to set off a rush […]

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‘Final Exit’ was honored by the American Library Associations Top 100 List of Banned Books as one of the most frequently challenged books in America for 1990 – 1999. It came in at # 29. Ten years later, it remains on the list of most commonly-challenged books in the United States, according to the A […]

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You can view a list of my books, from l972 through 2008, at this Amazon site: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B000AQ1V2K Also, my memoir “Good Life, Good Death” is now on Kindle or at the ERGO Bookstore

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Dr. Peter Baumann (74) of Zurich has been sentenced to a 4 yr prison term for premeditated murder. This was reported in Swiss newspapers in recent days. Dr. Baumann’s case goes back to 2001 when he was charged with having abetted, aided and assisted in the suicide of a 47 yr old patient, who it […]

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