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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

The Mailonline in London reported 15 Dec 10: No charges in 20 assisted-suicide cases as public prosecution is accused of re-writing law By Steve Doughty The Director of Public Prosecutions [in England] has declined to bring charges against at least 20 people suspected of helping others to commit suicide, it was revealed yesterday. Keir Starmer […]

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A maker of Darvon and Darvocet has agreed to take the products off the market because the drugs increase the risk for serious abnormal heart rhythms, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced. Darvon, which contains the active ingredient propoxyphene, has been on the U.S. market for more than 50 years and was developed by […]

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Report of the NuTech Workshop at the World Conference of Right to Die Societies in Melbourne (NOTE: NuTech is short for ‘New Technologies for Self-Deliverance, founded 1999 as an international research group for new ways of ending one’s life without a doctor when terminally ill. NuTech invented the widely-used helium hood method.) By Faye Girsh […]

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Veterinary Nembutal (pentobarbital) can be bought over-the-counter in veterinary supply stores in Mexico and Peru. These little stores are generally in the backstreets of poorer neighborhoods. This substance is used for either sedating big animals including horses for surgery, or euthanizing them. It is tightly controlled everywhere except Mexico and Peru. The six grams of […]

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Police struggle to convict Final Exit Network volunteers Insufficient evidence and legal ambiguities slow cases By Derek Humphry It has been known for some two years that the FBI and law enforcement in Georgia and Arizona are hunting for cases of felonious assisted suicide so that they can bring additional evidence to back up the […]

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ERGO now has a website where librarians can order their free copy of ‘Final Exit’

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Sometimes doctors in America will prescribe a fast-acting barbiturate like Nembutal and Seconal for an end-stage terminal patient. Then these patients often have difficulty finding a pharmacist who will fill the script. Pharmacists frequently claim that they are no longer manufactured so that they don’t have to take the risk of being connected to a […]

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For a story and picture about the roadside billboards of the Final Exit Network in this week’s TIME magazine, go to http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/06/16/roadside-controversy-looms-with-right-to-die-billboards/

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Final Exit 3rd edition 2010 Updated in paperback and eBook PDF format (‘Digital Edition’) Announcing the new updated printing of ‘Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying’ by Derek Humphry. Now in print for its 20th year, this volume remains the gold standard for choice in dying books. Final Exit […]

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Canada’s House of Commons has rejected a Bloc Québécois MP’s legislation to permit assisted suicide under strict conditions. Bill C-384 was defeated Wednesday afternoon on second reading by a 228-59 margin. The bill would have allowed doctors to avoid murder and manslaughter charges for helping terminally ill people or those in severe chronic pain to […]

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