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Category Archive for 'Self-Deliverance'

AN APPEAL This is the time of year – once only – when ERGO (Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization) asks its supporters if they can make a tax-deductible donation towards expenses. ERGO is an all-volunteer nonprofit group, operating since 1993 to provide quality information about issues of the right-to-choose-to-die. ERGO has no rented offices, but […]

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In the listing of the 100 most frequently challenged books from 1990–1999, according the American Library Association, this ultimate how-to book is 29th: Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance And Assisted Suicide for the Dying – By Derek Humphry Now in its 22nd year of publication, it still sells daily around the world. Third edition, […]

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The Arizona Daily Star carried this opinion article on November 3, 2013 (D H writes: I have never pushed, or even suggested, for assisted suicide for mentally troubled people, as this headline and article imply. Terminal or hopeless illness is my field. It is sufferers and journalists who constantly put the ‘mental’ question to me […]

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Canadians will be holding a rally at the legislature grounds in Victoria, BC this Saturday. The rally is sponsored by Dying with Dignity Canada and Choices in Dying Victoria.

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In Belgium, where euthanasia is now legal for people over the age of 18, the government is considering extending it to children — something that no other country has done. The same bill would offer the right to die to adults with early dementia. Advocates argue that euthanasia for children, with the consent of their […]

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Maine has become the first state to allow the direct purchase of medications from foreign pharmacies, (so the Wall Street Journal reports) Drug manufacturers have filed a lawsuit, saying the move puts consumers at risk for counterfeit or tainted products. Maine’s governor counters, “It’s not a safety issue. It’s turf.” The potential for cost-savings is […]

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The number of people opting to die by euthanasia [in the Netherlands] rose by 13% last year to 4,188, according to the five regional committees charged with ensuring the legal conditions for assisted suicide are met. Euthanasia requests have risen steadily since 2006 when 1,923 people applied for assisted suicide. Researchers have been unable to […]

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The US Congress moved a step closer to averting an impending shutdown of the federal helium reserve, a key supplier of the lighter-than-air gas used in a products ranging from party balloons to MRI machines. The Federal Helium Program, which provides about 42 percent of the nation’s helium from a storage site near Amarillo, Texas, […]

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In the current issue of THE HUMANIST magazine there is a fine article about a man with early stage Alzheimer’s taking his life with the guidance of the Final Exit Network. The End by: Nontheist Published in the September/October 2013 Humanist Extract: That final day had been a long time coming. John was a scientist—a […]

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A UNIQUE LIST You may like to see my up-to-date new listings of the films and videos made between l939 and 2013, and perhaps bookmark the site for future reference. ERGO’s Annotated Filmography Films, Made for TV Dramas, TV Documentaries and Videos Dealing with Dying and Euthanasia. Divided into three sections: 1. Feature films dealing […]

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