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Derek Humphry photo

Derek Humphry is a veteran journalist (London Sunday Times, Los Angeles Times, etc) and author of 14 books, best known of which is the DIY for terminally ill people “Final Exit”.

Derek Humphry has just published the 4th edition of his bestselling book “Final Exit 2020”
as an Ebook pdf download.
Find it at https://www.finalexit.org/ergo-store

Derek Humphry’s books, manuscripts, documents etc. are archived at  Special Collections, Allen Library, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.


7 Responses to “About Derek Humphry, journalist and author”

  1. mrs n desselberger says:

    Where can I get a copy of your book – please advice.

    At the ERGO bookstore: http://www.finalexit.org/ergo-store

    Other books on euthanasia as well.

  2. Bruce Hanson says:

    Derek- Thank you for distributing the newsletter… vol.12/274 was informative and lots of work. Congratulations on being on Amazons top 6000, and I hope such an exalted status is also handsomely rewarded!
    I went to this website because your email address did not pop up in my Outlook right away, so I read the description of PAD phrases for the first time. I have been told that using the word “suicide” lessens the favorable reaction to a physician assisted suicide proposal by 17%, so I have opted in favor of Tom Preston’s patient directed dying. I wanted to point out to you that this phrase implies to me that there is a doctor involved somewhere in the process because of the word “patient.” Don’t you think so? And if my perception is right, then placing it in the category of those phrases describing patients who want to do it themselves would not be accurate, right? Since there seems to be some serious planning going on right now (I am not part of it) for a new WA effort, this distinction could be important.
    Have a Merry and Happy, thanks again for your sharing, Bruce

  3. ergo says:

    In l975 I helped my first wife, Jean, when she asked me to bring her lethal drugs so as to take her own life. She was suffering from end-stage breast cancer. Altho what I did was a crime, because it was Jean’s idea and a compassionate act, the prosecutor (in the UK) decided not to charge me. I have been campaigning for lawful physician-assisted suicide ever since. (See my book ‘Jean’s Way‘)

  4. ergo says:

    You can see a biography and a bibliography of Derek Humphry, journalist, author and euthanasia campaigner, plus a cartoon, at this page:

  5. stormalong says:

    Thank you so much for everything you’ve done. 20 years ago I couldn’t get your book in Jefferson City, MO (the capitol of this backwards state) because it was morally wrong. After going to multiple towns I finally was “allowed” to buy your book. At the time I was enjoying life to its fullest. Since then I’ve had an accident that’s left me with half a body complete with morphine pump and missing body parts, and so now I’m once again thanking you for being there when I believed in what you were saying two decades ago, and what I still believe in now – even more. No one has the right to stop me from choosing what’s right for me, yet for some nutty reason we’re making so little headway with self deliverance. Just let them go through what your poor wife did, or to roll in my chair year and year out and they might feel a bit different, meanwhile those in power just keep making it harder for us to choose when we’ve had enough. You’re an amazing man. Bob.

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