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Dr. Peter Baumann (74) of Zurich has been sentenced to a 4 yr prison term for premeditated murder. This was reported in Swiss newspapers in recent days.

Dr. Baumann’s case goes back to 2001 when he was charged with having abetted, aided and assisted in the suicide of a 47 yr old patient, who it was alleged suffered under a psychic illness.

The case after appeals was recently decided by the Swiss Supreme Court, which held that Dr Baumann did not sufficiently consider whether the patient’s desire to die was not really rooted in his mental condition and that therefore the patient may well not have been in a competent mental state.

Instead, Dr.Baumann, so the court held, acted on the basis of understanding, compassion and empathy, and that was felt to be inadequate in cases of this nature.

Derek Humphry comments: Sad, sad, sad.

One Response to “Swiss doctor’s compassion lands him in prison”

  1. Jurisprudence says:

    I know that Dignitas have very well thought out and practiced system to verify the clients rationality at the time of making the request and carrying it out but I just hope this seperate case doesn’t give the anti-diginity brigade a boost in Switzerland against them as well. Just when things were starting to turn to a more logical and compassionate manner in which to deal with peoples suffering along comes a judgment that could have negative repercussions for those suffering and seeking dignity. Not good.

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