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Compassion & Choices of Oregon’s client, Lovelle Svart, continues to blaze new trails as an articulate spokesperson for individual choice at the end of life. You will recall that Lovelle is a 62 year old unique lady who is dying from lung cancer. She was one of the intervenors in the US Supreme Court case of Gonzales v. Oregon and was a former fact checker at the Oregonian.

Lovelle is telling her life and dying story by way of a series of online video interviews. After watching her you will see she is very comfortable talking about her dying process. She is also a well informed spokesperson for Oregon’s aid-in-dying law.

I urge you to go to the website and watch a bit of the series. Add your comments if you wish.

The website is: _http://next.oregonianextra.com/lovelle/_

The comments section is: __http://next.oregonianextra.com/lovelle/comments_

George Eighmey, Executive Director, Compassion & Choices of Oregon
PO Box 6404, Portland, OR 97228
503.525.1956 — Fax: 503.228.9160
email: or@compassionandchoices.org — web: www.compassionoforegon.org

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