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Tag Archive 'choice in dying'

On Oct. 5, 2021, the bill to improve the California End of Life Option Act, was signed into law. SB 380 goes into effect on January 1, 2022 and makes the following changes: The mandatory minimum waiting period between the 1st and 2nd oral request will be reduced from 15 days to 48 hours. Healthcare […]

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Farewell to Hemlock: Killed by its Name

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Queensland will become the fifth Australian state to legalize voluntary assisted dying (VAD) after state Parliament passed a historic bill on Thursday. After more than two days of emotionally charged debate, the bill passed with 61 MPs supporting the legislation and 30 voting against it. The new laws — which are not set to take effect […]

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The British Medical Association (BMA) has finally dropped its long-standing opposition to assisted dying. This is a significant milestone. This landmark decision comes ahead of Baroness Meacher’s Assisted Dying Bill being debated on 22 October 2021 in the House of Lords.

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Just been talking on the phone with a woman in New York who paid $1,000  for 100 Nembutal tablets from a Mexican seller on the internet which were never delivered. In all the years I’ve been monitoring these type of drug offers for self-deliverance I have not heard of one that was completed.  They’re all […]

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73% of UK supports MAiD for the terminally ill A YouGov research poll in the U.K. shows that there is overwhelming public support for doctor-assisted suicide for patients suffering from a terminal illness. The same report shows that Members of Parliament are heavily divided on this issue. Almost three quarters of Britons (73%) think the […]

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Jean’s Way: A Love Story by Derek Humphry A bestseller over 50 years. Ten translations. Consider buying this classic book on KINDLE for $6 and an easy 420 KB download, 150 pages.

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On  July  20, a 28-year-old man in the Netherlands was arrested for trafficking suicide powder. According to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, at least six suicides are linked to the man. The Justice Department suspects the drug was provided to hundreds of people. Research should show how many people actually took the drug and how many […]

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There is an interesting peer-reviewed research published in OMEGA-Journal = of Death and Dying. Click here (https://doi.org/10.1177/00302228211033368) = to read the article – “Why People Think They Might Hasten Their Death When= Faced with Irremediable Health Conditions Compared to Why They Actually Do= So.” (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00302228211033368) This is an extract: Since Derek Humphry’s best-selling book in […]

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The Los Angeles Review of Books examined Katie Englehart’s new book “THE INEVITABLE” Here is an extract; the entire review is worth reading The Dignified Exit July 23, 2021   •   By Elena Saavedra Buckle Opponents of assisted death have long argued that the practice will fall down a slippery slope of exploitation. Poor […]

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